ADA Accessibility Statement
The Children's Board Family Resource Centers (CBFRC) are committed to ensuring all visitors to familysupporthc.org are able to use the website to access information about the organization and the services of the CBFRC.
ADA Compliance
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), CBFRC will not discriminate against qualified individuals on the basis of disability for services, programs, or activities.
ADA Coordinator – Our Commitment to Help
It is important to note that improvements to the website are ongoing as we work to meet and/or exceed the requirements of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. If you encounter a problem using our website, including issues related to accessibility or have any questions regarding our efforts around WCAG 2.0, please reach out to us so we can provide you with the information you are seeking in a timely manner.
CBFRC has established an ADA Coordinator to facilitate assistance for disabled residents and visitors. The ADA Coordinator can facilitate members of the public with the provision of auxiliary aids and services for CBFRC meetings, programs and events. The ADA Coordinator also investigates and seeks to resolve any complaints regarding accessibility to CBFRC facilities or programs.
Dexter Lewis and Tim Bennett
ADA Coordinators
Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
1002 E. Palm Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33605
E-mail: info@childrensboard.org
Phone: 813-229-2884
ADA Notice
The ADA does not require actions that would fundamentally alter CBFRC's programs or services where that imposes an undue financial or administrative burden; however, CBFRC will make reasonable changes to its policies and programs to ensure qualified persons with disabilities of equal opportunity for its services, programs and activities.
Requests for accommodation should allow sufficient time to provide it. CBFRC does not surcharge any person or group for the cost of providing appropriate auxiliary aids or services, or for reasonable modification of its policies. To request an accommodation or make a suggestion regarding inaccessible programs, services or activities, please contact the ADA Coordinator referenced above.
Please give sufficient notice and provide the following information if you are requesting an accommodation:
Your specific need
Your accommodation request for the suggestion(s)
Your name and contact information.
Third-Party Applications
While you are visiting our site, you will notice that we make use of third-party sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to provide information about (CBFRC). Though individuals may have challenges with access to these particular sites, CBFRC does not control or remedy the way content is portrayed.
ADA Grievance Procedure
CBFRC has established a grievance procedure and will take prompt and reasonable action to investigate and eliminate discrimination when found. It should be used by any person who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination based on disability in the provision of services, activities, programs or benefits by CBFRC.
If possible, the complaint should be submitted in writing to the ADA Coordinator listed above and contain: the identity of the complainant; the basis for the allegations; and a description of the alleged discrimination with the date of occurrence. If the complaint cannot be submitted in writing, the complainant should contact the Coordinator for assistance.
The ADA Coordinator will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter. Should the ADA Coordinator be unable to resolve a complaint satisfactorily, the Coordinator will forward the complaint to CBFRCChief Executive Officer or her designee, who will have up to 20 business days to arrive at a final resolution of the complaint.